In In a first, the Maharishi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya in Ujjain will produce ten short films based on the lives of renowned grammar masters such as Panini, Katyayana, Patanjali, Nagesh Bhatt, Vyadi, Bhattoji Dixit, Kaiyat, Hemchand Shuri, Varadarajacharya, and Jayaditya.
Auditions for the production took place on January 13 and 14 to find suitable talent. Artistes of all ages and backgrounds came from various regions nationwide, bringing with them enthusiasm and excitement to the process.
The short films are part of the Ashtadashi project led by the Central Sanskrit University in New Delhi, with Sanskrit as the primary language.
Akhilesh Kumar Dwivedi, the principal director and head of the Grammar Department, says the project aims to familiarise students and the wider public with the fundamental aspects of Sanskrit grammar, besides honouring the personalities and contributions of the masters from the ancient lineage of grammar science.
Co-director Munish Mishra noted that filming will take place in several locations across the country, including Ujjain, showcasing the ancient Indian knowledge tradition and the Gurukul education system.
The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Vijay Kumar CG, and Registrar, Prof Dilip Soni, have expressed their delight and support for the initiative.
Upendra Bhargava, head of the Department of Astrology, and Dinesh Choubey from the Sanskrit Education Training Centre, attended the auditions.