Governor Mangubhai Patel said that one must put one’s wisdom into practice. He urged students of the university established in the memory of a great poet, writer and patriot Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee, to be sensitive to the needs of the country, society, community, family, and the underprivileged.
Speaking at the fifth convocation of Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, held at the Kushabhau Thackeray International Convention Center, he highlighted the responsibility of students to honor the legacy of Vajpayee.
Governor Mangubhai Patel urged students to acknowledge the contributions of parents, teachers, and society’s underprivileged in their success. He emphasized remembering parents’ struggles and the support of marginalized individuals in their education. Advising students to keep their convocation oath safe, he encouraged them to recite and follow it daily, identify the needs of the deprived around them, and strive to fulfill them. Citing Swami Vivekananda, he highlighted the immense potential within every individual, urging students to awaken their inner strength. He wished them success in enhancing the university’s prestige and contributing to society and the nation.
Director of the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Bhopal, Ashutosh Singh, drawing inspiration from the Mahabharata’s episode of the fish’s eye, emphasized that intense competition for success has always existed and will persist. He highlighted the importance of adapting to changing circumstances and persevering despite challenges. Using the metaphor of lighting a lamp in darkness, he conveyed that determination overcomes obstacles. He encouraged students to dream with purpose, noting that having wings is insufficient without the courage to soar.
Director of MP Hindi Granth Academy, Ashok Kadail, highlighted that the National Education Policy integrates Indian cultural roots with modern technology and an employment-oriented education system. Praising Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi Vishwavidyalaya’s efforts in this direction, he emphasized the role of Indian languages as powerful tools for communication with the masses. He urged students of the non-traditional Hindi Vishwavidyalaya to enhance the prestige of Hindi and contribute to its prosperity. Kadail also encouraged students to draw inspiration from the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.
Vice Chancellor, Khem Singh Daheria, presented the university’s progress report, announcing the introduction of a diploma course in Dairy Management and postgraduate degrees in Commerce, MBA, and Education from the next session. He also shared plans to launch Agriculture and Engineering courses. Publications by the university were also released during the programme by the guests. The vote of thanks was delivered by the Registrar, Shailendra Kumar Jain.
The programme commenced with floral tributes to Maa Sharda and the Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee, followed by ceremonial lamp lighting. The Governor and other dignitaries were welcomed with shawls, Shriphal, mementos, and plants. During the convocation ceremony, the Governor awarded medals to top achievers from various faculties. Degrees were conferred upon 71 postgraduate and 113 undergraduate students of the 2023-24 academic year. Additionally, all graduating students took the convocation oath as part of the ceremony.