The City police have handed over 82 lost mobile phones worth about Rs. 25,00,000 were recovered through CEIR portal and returned to the complainants by Zone-2 DCP in the New Year. Also, 132 mobile phones worth Rs. 35,00,000 were returned to the complainants from all the police stations of Zone 2.
The applicants of lost mobile phones on different dates at different places in the police station area submitted applications regarding the loss of mobiles at the police station. The police team immediately uploaded the said lost mobiles on the police cyber portal CEIR for searching. During the search, 216 mobiles worth Rs. 60,00,000 were recovered by tracking various numbers and getting updated information of the mobiles. Out of which 132 mobiles worth Rs. 35,00,000/- were returned to all the police stations of Zone-2. In the New Year, 82 mobiles worth Rs. 25,00,000/- were returned to the complainants through DCP Zone-2 with New Year wishes.
The lost mobile phones recovered were reported at Baghsewania, Misrod, Govindpura, Ayodhya Nagar, Katara , Piplani, MP Nagar, Arera Hills and Awadhpuri.