The City police on Friday inaugurated two new police posts in the Old City areas of the state capital. The police posts at the Idgah EWS multi-storey complex and Hamidia Hospital will strengthen law and order enforcement in the city.
Parliamentarian Alok Sharma inaugurated the police post at Hamidia Hospital in the presence of Commissioner of Police Harinarayan Chari Mishra and a host of senior law enforcement officials.
The post at Hamidia Hospital primarily deals with medico-legal cases reported at the hospital, while the post at the EWS multi-storey complex will strengthen policing in the locality, which came in for stringent criticism after the gruesome rape and killing of a minor last year.
A string of public representatives, including MLA Atif Aqeel, had called for enhanced picketing and combing in the area, which they had described as a hotbed of criminal activities.