Under the guidance of AIIMS Bhopal's Executive Director, Prof. (Dr.) Ajai Singh, the Department of Dietetics celebrated Dietetics Day on January 10, 2025, in line with the annual observance organized by the Indian Dietetic Association. This year's focus is on 'Fueling Health and Guiding Towards Balanced Nutrition,' which emphasizes the importance of mindful eating, nutrition awareness, and the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases."
The event featured multiple activities leading up to Dietetics Day, including a no-flame cooking competition for kids and a nutritional health screening booth for pre-teens, conducted in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics. A panel discussion on 'Nurturing Healthy Habits: The Importance of Mindful Eating in Child Development' was also organized, engaging both experts and the community.
Prizes were distributed to children who actively participated and won in various competitions.
Prof. (Dr.) Ajai Singh, in his address, highlighted the importance of the event by saying, "Dietetics Day serves as a crucial platform to educate the community about the significance of balanced nutrition and mindful eating. Such initiatives help in fostering healthier lifestyles, particularly among children, and play a vital role in the prevention of nutrition-related disorders."
The event was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including the Guest of Honour, Prof. (Dr.) Rajnish Joshi (Dean- Academics), Col. (Dr.) Ajit Kumar ,Deputy Director (Administration), and Prof. (Dr.) Shashank Purwar (Officiating Medical Superintendent).
The event was meticulously organized under the leadership of Organizing Chairperson Prof. (Dr.) Amit Agrawal (Faculty In-charge, Dept. of Dietetics) and Organizing Co-Chairperson Dr. Anjan Sahoo (Associate Professor, Dept. of ENT & DMS). Keynote addresses and panel discussions featured insights from prominent speakers including Ms. Amita Singh (Consultant, Nutrition and Dietetics, National Hospital, Bhopal, and Executive Committee member, IAPEN Bhopal Chapter), Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Goel (Head, Dept. of Dentistry), Prof. (Dr.) Seema P. Mahant (Professor, Dept. of General Medicine), Dr. Anuradha Kushwah (Child Psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry), and Prof. (Dr.) Shikha Malik (Chairperson, Head, Dept. of Pediatrics).