Delhi BJP on Saturday rolled out its election campaign song ‘Bahane Nahi Badlav Chahien, Delhi Mein BJP Sarkar Chahiye’ (need change not excuses, Delhi requires BJP government) for the eagerly awaited Delhi assembly elections. The song has been sung by BJP’s three-time Northeast Delhi MP and popular singer and actor Manoj Tiwari, who gave the credit for the title to Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva.
Tiwari claimed that the song has become a hit in Delhi’s election rallies but its biggest success is that it has been viewed over 1.1 crore (11 million) times on social media, an unprecedented record for any political song.
While the song was launched officially during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Parivartan Rally’ last week in Rohini, it has been rolled out extensively for the poll campaign. Addressing a press conference, Sachdeva said that the song reflects the mood of the people of Delhi who are fed up with Kejriwal's party looting them, affirming that they want to bring BJP into power.
The Lok Sabha MP also sang the song while explaining that the election song is the manifesto of the party, which is yet to be released by the BJP. He also shared detailed insights about the song, noting that it is being enthusiastically received across Delhi. Staff Reporter n New Delhi
Delhi BJP on Saturday rolled out its election campaign song ‘Bahane Nahi Badlav Chahien, Delhi Mein BJP Sarkar Chahiye’ (need change not excuses, Delhi requires BJP government) for the eagerly awaited Delhi assembly elections. The song has been sung by BJP’s three-time Northeast Delhi MP and popular singer and actor Manoj Tiwari, who gave the credit for the title to Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva.
Tiwari claimed that the song has become a hit in Delhi’s election rallies but its biggest success is that it has been viewed over 1.1 crore (11 million) times on social media, an unprecedented record for any political song.
While the song was launched officially during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Parivartan Rally’ last week in Rohini, it has been rolled out extensively for the poll campaign. Addressing a press conference, Sachdeva said that the song reflects the mood of the people of Delhi who are fed up with Kejriwal's party looting them, affirming that they want to bring BJP into power.
The Lok Sabha MP also sang the song while explaining that the election song is the manifesto of the party, which is yet to be released by the BJP. He also shared detailed insights about the song, noting that it is being enthusiastically received across Delhi.