A special membership drive was conducted today under the BJP Jugsalai Unit at Gaushala Chowk, led by Unit President Hemendra Jain. Hundreds of people participated in the drive, enrolling as online primary members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The event was graced by the presence of BJP’s state spokesperson Amarpreet Singh Kale and senior leader Lallan Chauhan.
Addressing the gathering, Amarpreet Singh Kale stated, “BJP is the world’s largest party, one that believes in internal democracy. The goal of this campaign is to connect people from all walks of life with BJP. Party workers must reach every household, putting in their full effort and dedication, to make this campaign successful.”
Lallan Chauhan emphasized, “The goal of this campaign is to not only engage existing members but also to bring new voters into the fold. This campaign will be truly meaningful when people from every section of society join the BJP.”
District Secretary Anil Modi added, “This campaign will be carried out at all booths and Shakti Kendras in Jugsalai to ensure that the Unit membership drive achieves top rankings.”
Prominent leaders and workers present at the event included Anil Modi, Prakash Joshi, Nagendra Pandey, Chandrashekhar Das, Ganesh Ravidas, Pintu Saini, Upendra Chatrath, Sundar Gupta, Ravindra Bhatia, Manish Joshi, Sunil Sahu, Vikas Singh, Anoop Khan, Vikas Mahto, Ravishankar Tiwari, Anil Sharma, Jackie Saraswat, Ritesh Jain, Anil Chauhan, Sunil Singh, Anil Seth, Rashpal Saini, and other party workers.