In a joint operation, the Karnal and Sonepat Police on Sunday rescued a Haryana Roadways driver, who was allegedly kidnapped in Narukheri village on Saturday. Karnal Police said that they have arrested three persons in the case and recovered two weapons and three live cartridges from their possession. The car which was used in the crime was also recovered.
As per available report, Sandeep, a resident of Narukheri village, was kidnapped at around 2 pm on Saturday. Later, the accused contacted the victim’s father, demanding a ransom for his release.
Acting promptly, the victim’s father filed a complaint with police. A case was registered under section 140 of the BNS at Sadar police station.
Talking to reporters, Karnal SP Ganga Ram Punia said that teams consisting of CIA-1, CIA-2 and Sadar police were formed to trace the youth. Following intensive efforts and prolonged chase, the team apprehended the accused at around 11 pm on Saturday evening from Gohana in Sonepat. The accused have been identified as Surinder and Akshay of Sonepat and Narinder of Hisar.
After the kidnapping, the accused kept moving around the Assandh area throughout the day. In the evening, a police team attempted to intercept the accused, but they fired at them and managed to escape towards Gohana, said officials. “Later, with the help of the Sonepat police, we rescued the victim and arrested the three accused,” said the SP.