The Maha Kumbh 2025 is expected to generate a revenue from Rs 2,00000 crore to Rs 4,00000 crore, to boost the economy of Uttar Pradesh. After Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claims that Maha Kumbh 2025 will generate a revenue to the tune of Rs 2 lakh crore, traders’ body the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has also backed these figures, saying that Maha Kumbh is expected to generate trade worth approximately Rs 2 lakh crore.
Furthermore, Industry estimates the average cost of accommodation and food for each visitor in Prayagraj would be Rs 10,000, which would contribute Rs 4 lakh crore to the state government’s treasury by the end of the Mela. It is also expected to boost both nominal and real GDP by over 1 per cent.
The national capital, being a largest trading centre of, goods and services, is anticipated to supply items worth approximately Rs 40,000 crore from Delhi to Prayagraj and nearby towns.
According to CAIT’s estimates, revenue from transportation, includinginter-state travel, taxis and goods transport, is estimated at Rs10,000 crore. The tourism sector, including travel guides and tour packages, is expected to generate another Rs 10,000 crore. Temporary medical camps, medicines and Ayurvedic products are expected to contribute Rs 3,000 crore. Revenue from e-tickets, digital transactions, Wi-Fi usage and mobile charging stations is expected to be Rs 1,000 crore. Finally, the sale of entertainment services, advertisements and promotional events is estimated to generate Rs 10,000 crore.
As per CAIT’s estimates, accommodation and tourism are expected to generate Rs 40,000 crore trade; Rs 20,000 crore by food and beverage market; Rs 20,000 crore by religious items and offerings such as oil, lamps, Ganga water, idols; Rs 10,000 crore by transportation and logistics; Rs 5,000 crore by handicrafts and souvenirs; Rs 3,000 crore by healthcare services; Rs 1,000 crore by IT and digital services; Rs 10,000 crore by entertainment and media; and more.
According to estimates, the event may generate Rs 2 lakh crore if each of 40 crore visitors spends an average of Rs 5,000. Some experts estimated the average cost of accommodation and food for each visitor in Prayagraj would be Rs 10,000, which would contribute Rs 4 lakh crore to the state government’s treasury by the end of the Mela.
BJP MP from Chandni Chowk and Secretary General of CAIT, Praveen Khandelwal said an estimate suggests that with an average expenditure of Rs 5,000 per person during religious travel, the total spending will exceed Rs 2 lakh crore. This includes spending on hotels, guesthouses, temporary accommodations, food, religious items, healthcare, and other services.
Many companies and corporate sectors from India as well as abroad are jostling for space to showcase their presence during the 45 day event. Dabur, Parle, Coca-Cola, Reliance Consumer Products, ITC Mangaldeep, Aditya Birla Sun Life AMC are just some of the companies out to woo the crores of devotees expected at the holy fair. Dabur has also tied up with dhabas and eateries in the city and on the highways. ITC Mangaldeep has set up unique 5 ft tall agarbatti installations at high traffic locations including Sangam Ghat. Reliance Consumer Products has also set up Campa Ashram, a space that offers a safe and serene haven for pilgrims to rest.
The Maha Kumbh 2025, the largest religious congregation in Prayagraj, started on January 13 and will end on February 26. The event is anticipated to attract around 400 million visitors during its 45-day period. Back in 2019, the Kumbh Mela generated Rs 1.2 lakh crore in revenue, which is expected to grow to Rs lakh crore this time.