Four persons including a four-year-old boy died after their throats were slit by `manja’ or kite string during Uttarayan celebrations in Gujarat on Tuesday. A death each was reported in Rajkot, Panchmahal, Mehsana and Surendranagar districts while numerous cases of injury were reported across the state, officials said.
Manja made from nylon or coated with crushed glass is sharp enough to cause fatal injuries. Despite being banned, it is used by kite enthusiasts who find them effective for cutting an opponents’ kite.
Kunal Parmar (4) bled to death in Halol town of Panchmahal district after his neck was slit by kite string, said an official of the local police station. He was riding with his father on motorcycle to buy kites and balloons from the market when a piece of string wrapped around his neck and caused a deep gash.
Mansaji Thakor (35), a farmer, died in Vadnagar taluka of Mehsana district.
“He was riding to his farm at his village Vadbar on motorcycle when his neck was slit by kite string. He was taken to hospital but died during treatment,” a Vadnagar police station official said. An unidentified man, riding a motorcycle, was similarly killed on the outskirts of Rajkot city.
Ishwar Thakor (35) died in Patdi taluka of Surendranagar district after suffering deep cuts in the neck due to kite string while riding a motorcycle, police said.