Leading producers body Indian Tea Association (ITA) on Tuesday said it has submitted a white paper on the Darjeeling tea industry to the West Bengal government highlighting the challenges and opportunities.
A team of ITA officials met Labour Minister Moloy Ghatak on Tuesday evening and submitted the white paper, the association said in a statement.
The paper attempts to provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of the Darjeeling tea industry.
It also highlighted key issues like production challenges and market dynamics.
According to ITA, the paper also suggested recommendations aimed at reviving the industry and ensuring long-term viability.
ITA said that the Darjeeling tea industry is not just an economic asset, but a cultural heritage which needs immediate attention and strategic intervention by the central and state governments by way of financial assistance.
The Darjeeling tea industry faces problems of climate change, low productivity due to very old bushes and less profitability making operations enviable.