Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a roadshow from the Chandgiram Akhara to his official residence after being released from the Tihar Jail, and said the country is going through a critical phase as some "anti-national forces" are trying to weaken it.
A large number of party leaders and workers joined him in the roadshow which had a large convoy of vehicles.
Clad in a half-sleeved blue shirt, Kejriwal waved to party workers who showered him with flower petals.
"The country is going through a critical phase. The country is important and not Kejriwal. Some anti-national forces are trying to weaken and divide the country. Efforts are being made to weaken the EC (Election Commission) and control ED (Enforcement Directorate) and CBI. We have to face these anti-national forces," he asserted.
Reiterating that the walls of jail have enhanced his morale manifolds, he said every moment of his life and every drop of blood in his body are dedicated to the country.
"I was put behind behind bars not because I was wrong but because I fought anti-national forces," he added.
The party workers cheered him on and raised slogans of 'Jail ke taale toot gaye, Kejriwal ji chhoot gaye' as they threw gulal to celebrate the occasion. The iconic song 'Mera rang de Basanti Chola' was played as the roadshow moved slowly.
It also led to the slowing down of traffic movement on the stretch.