Give Mindfulness a Try

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Give Mindfulness a Try

Sunday, 07 January 2024 | The HEALTH PIONEER

Give Mindfulness a Try

For people looking to start 2024 with a new routine to feel fitter and happier, a new study from the University of Bath suggests that combining mindfulness with exercise could be your key to success. So what exactly is mindfulness? The Health Pioneer explores

The study, published in the academic journal Mental Health and Physical Activity, suggests that life changes that combine both physical activity and mindfulness are most effective at lifting mood and improving health and wellbeing.

Both physical activity and mindfulness practice have well-established psychological benefits. However, by reviewing existing research studies, this is one of the first to show how the positive effects can be increased when the two are combined.

Its findings suggest that mindfulness can help to unlock exercise by helping to motivate people to start in the first place, whilst overcoming minor pain, discomfort or feelings of failure when exercising gets hard.

Analysis of existing research found mindfulness to be highly effective at reducing worry, stress, and anxiety, and helping people to live healthier, happier lives. The benefits for mental and physical health from mindfulness were found in people with and without health issues.

The study was conducted by psychologist Masha Remskar, an expert in behavior change, mindfulness, and exercise based at the University of Bath, with support from the Medito Foundation – a mindfulness non-profit with a mission to build a more mindful world.

Through its work, Medito has developed a mindfulness meditation app – a free alternative to paid-for services such as Headspace and Calm. It is collaborating with Bath to help improve people’s mental wellbeing but also to help them get more active.

Based on the research findings, the team has created and released the first of two mindfulness audio courses aiming to help people get into the habit of exercise. Later in 2024, they will release a second guide, focused on sustaining their exercise habit.

Masha Remskar from the University’s Department of Health explained: “Starting 2024 with a resolution to exercise more can have really positive physical and mental health benefits. But we know that starting out can be tough and that it can also be hard to stick with it over time.

“Mindfulness is an approach that can help us ‘train up’ the psychological strengths we need to exercise and be more in tune with our bodies, as well as make exercising more interesting and help us recognize its benefits.

“This may be because becoming more mindful prompts us to think differently about our lifestyle and makes us more accepting and less judgemental of our shortcomings, which can help to build healthy habits.

“There is a huge potential to use mindfulness to unlock the positive benefits exercise can bring.”

Steven Yorke, co-founder at Medito added: “Mindfulness mobile apps are a great way to boost our mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, companies often put up paywalls, making the benefits of mindfulness inaccessible to some.

“At Medito, we believe that meditation and mindfulness should be available free of charge, to anyone, forever. This is why our mindfulness app, Medito, is and always will be free.

“This collaboration with the University of Bath has been a great way to expand the range of mindfulness meditations we can offer, and it feels great to be at the cutting edge of mindfulness science while we do this.”

Building on this work, the team will start conducting a larger trial to determine the effectiveness and optimal intervention moments for combining exercise and mindfulness.

However, yet another study undelines that acceptance is not about acquiescing to your fate, though—like getting a diagnosis of a terminal illness and just accepting that you’re going to die. That kind of “acceptance” leads to worse outcomes, says authors in a 2019 study “Psychological mechanisms driving stress resilience in mindfulness training: A randomized controlled trial.”

Nor is it about accepting poor treatment from other people. It’s more about accepting your internal experience—your thoughts and feelings—which informs you about how to respond to your external circumstances in a wiser way, say the authors. For example, if you feel angry and accept your anger in the moment, it may prevent you from lashing out at someone and help you see that your feelings aren’t their fault.

Free Meditation Apps Worthy of Your Attention

Mindfulness apps are trending in a big way, promising to help you combat anxiety, sleep better, hone your focus, and more. In fact, the Wall Street Journal reports that more than 2,000 new meditation apps launched between 2015 and 2018, and offerings have only increased as a result of higher demand during the pandemic. According to the New York Times, mindfulness apps surged in 2020.

These are:

Available for iOS, Android, and web

Entry price: Free

Insight Timer

Insight Timer - Free Meditation Apps

Available for iOS, Android, and web

Entry price: Free

Smiling Mind

Free Meditation Apps - Smiling Mind app screenshot

Available for iOS, Android, and web

Entry price: Free

UCLA Mindful

Free Meditation App—UCLA Mindful

Available for iOS and Android

Entry price: Free

Healthy Minds Program

Available for iOS and Android

Entry price: Free

Types of Mindfulness Practice

While mindfulness is innate, it can be cultivated through proven techniques. Here are some examples: Seated, walking, standing, and moving meditation (it’s also possible lying down but often leads to sleep); Short pauses we insert into everyday life; Merging meditation practice with other activities, such as yoga or sports.

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