Under the auspices of Madhya Pradesh Urdu Academy, Culture Council, Culture Department, District Sehore organized a lecture and composition lesson in the memory of famous poets of Sagar, Dr. Kailash Guru Swami and Zubair Bahadur Josh, on Sunday at Sehore Club, under the aegis of Silsila. Done in Sehore with the help of District Coordinator Dr. Anees.
Nusrat Mehdi, Director of Urdu Academy, while highlighting the usefulness of the program, said that both the poets of Sehore, to whose memory today's "Silsila" program has been dedicated, held an important position in the field of poetry. Kailash Guru Swami continued to make important contributions in the field of Urdu poetry and its poetry throughout his life. Zubair Bahadur Josh also earned special fame for his poetry related to social concerns.