Under the Latest and popular online series of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya entitled ‘Exhibit of the week’ gudna A traditional Bhil painting depicting tattoo Collected from Bhil communities of Ban Ganga Bhopal Madhya Pradesh in 1993 displayed in the audience as the third Exhibit of the month of January 2024 through official website, Facebook, Instagram and twitter page of the IGRMS.
In this regard Dr Amithabh Pandey, Director, IGRMS said that the Bhil painting is one of the most vibrant and expressive art forms that depicts human-nature relationship, deities, festivals, legends & folklore.
A traditional Bhil house is decorated with clay relief work and painting on mud walls. Paintings are done on walls and floors using natural pigments derived from minerals, plants & other natural resources. Brush is made of neem twig. Mostly red, yellow, green, blue, black and white colours are used. The present painting is a Bhil painting made on canvas depicting tattoos, motifs, popular ornaments worn by the Bhil tribe, hunting scene, row of horses and other activities. The tattoos motifs mostly used by the Bhil women are considered to be the visual representation of women attire.