Haryana Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Anurag Agrawal on Sunday said that police verification will be conducted for counting agents nominated by any political parties or contesting candidates for the counting of votes scheduled for June 4 for the 2024 general elections to the Lok Sabha.
Agarwal, issuing these instructions during a video conference with Deputy Commissioners-cum-District Election Officers regarding the counting arrangements, clarified that the Lok Sabha elections in the State were conducted in a fair and transparent manner. He mentioned that it is a record that this time there was no need for re-polling anywhere in the State. “This is the first instance since 2004 that there was no requirement for re-polling at any polling booth. This has been possible due to the diligent duty performed by the election staff and the positive cooperation of the voters,” Agarwal added.
He expressed hope that on the day of counting, all citizens, duty-bound employees, and security personnel will continue to cooperate in the same manner, ensuring the success of the Election Commission's goal of conducting free and transparent elections.
The Chief Electoral Officer also appealed to the media, the fourth pillar of democracy, to provide information to the public about each phase of the vote counting on June 4. Although the Election Commission has separately launched an election result helpline app, through which any citizen can get information about election results from across the country.
Agarwal further said that due to extreme heat, Lok Sabha election results can be easily viewed from home on Election Commission's website — www.result.eic.in, or the Voter Helpline App. The Meteorological Department has also advised not to go outside considering the heat.
According to the Election Commission of India, the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha elections will start at 8 am on June 4. During this time, only authorized persons, officers, or employees will be allowed at and around the counting centers. The results can be known from home by visiting the Election Commission of India's website — www.result.eic.in, or the Voter Helpline App. Now there is no longer need for the general public and representatives or workers of political parties to crowd around the counting area, as results can be known from home.
According to the guidelines of the Election Commission of India, a media center has been set up at the counting centers at the district headquarters for the media to get the latest information on the results. Only authorized persons will be allowed to enter the counting centers. Section 144 has been imposed around the counting centers, Agarwal added.