The Uttarakhand police killed the main accused Amarjeet Singh alias Bittu in the Tarsem Singh's murder case in an encounter in the Bhagwanpur area of Haridwar district in the early hours of Tuesday. This is the first encounter by the police here in the past 15 years which has also boosted the morale of the police officers, the officiating director general of police Abhinav Kumar said in a Press conference held at Sardar Patel Bhawan in Dehradun on Tuesday. He said that the Uttarakhand Special Task Force (STF) informed the Haridwar Police about the possible movement of wanted accused from Saharanpur to Moradabad via Bhagwanpur late on Monday. Considering this, STF and Haridwar police launched a joint operation to nab them. During checking in the Bhagwanpur area at around 12:30 AM on Tuesday, the police noticed two suspicious men on a motorcycle. The police tried to stop them but they continued to ride away on their motorcycle. The police soon surrounded them from all sides but they went towards the highway while firing at the police. In the retaliatory action of the police, an accused was shot while the other accused took advantage of the darkness and fled from the spot. The police are searching for him too. The injured accused was immediately sent to a hospital in Roorkee where he was declared dead by the doctor, the DGP said. He stated that the input of STF from Punjab also helped the police here to catch the accused. The Dera Kar Sewa Pramukh of Udham Singh Nagar’s Nanakmatta Gurudwara, Tarsem Singh was shot dead on March 28 by two bike- borne assailants at the Gurdwara. The Udham Singh Nagar senior superintendent of police (SSP) Manjunath TC had also increased the bounty on both the main accused from Rs 50,000 to Rs one lakh each earlier on Sunday. The police are now looking to nab the absconding accused Sarvjeet Singh. The police have so far arrested seven accused in this case who were allegedly involved in committing the crime by gathering criminals, providing resources and supplying weapons. Kumar said that Uttarakhand Police had taken Tarsem’s murder as a challenge and the STF and police are constantly looking for all accused involved in the case.