Following the instructions of Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav, a special cleanliness campaign is being conducted in all the government offices of the state from January 16 to 21, 2024.
In this series, on the instructions of DGP Sudhir Saxena, on January 18, all the police offices, residential complexes, police stations, outposts, police lines, companies, battalions and police headquarters of entire Madhya Pradesh were cleaned.
Special cleaning campaigns were also conducted in temples located in various police units of the state.
Zonal Additional Director General of Police, Inspector General of Police, Range Deputy Inspector General of Police, Superintendent of Police, fighters, all gazetted officers of units, in-charges of all police stations and posts were involved in the campaign.
During this campaign, government property was systematically maintained in the record rooms of all police departments and police stations and warehouses of police stations. At the police headquarters also, senior officers of various branches cleaned the record rooms of their offices.
DGP Sudhir Saxena reached the police line in Nehru Nagar and participated in the cleaning of the premises. During this, along with him, Bhopal Police Commissioner Harinarayan Chari Mishra and senior officers and employees also took part in the special cleanliness campaign. From here he reached the 25th Battalion. Here he cleaned the canteen and park and inspected the premises.
After reaching the battalion school, he talked to the children and gave the message of cleanliness. Observed the cleanliness system in Disha Learning Center and Hospital. The DGP also took stock of the cleanliness system in the 23rd battalion. DGP also reached Dial 100 and Telecom Headquarters. After this the DGP reached the police headquarters and inspected the cleanliness in the record room.
DGP Sudhir Saxena also honored Swachhata Mitra Lalita Bai at the police line in Nehru Nagar. Also, Assistant Sub Inspector Nemchand Sahu in charge of cleanliness and Inspector Sunil Dubey for the cleanest house were honored with mementos.
During the cleanliness drive, residential complexes, mess and hospitals were also cleaned. During this time, such places were also identified where there is often filth due to excessive traffic or other reasons. Apart from this, arrangements for placement of permanent and temporary dustbins and removal of broken dustbins are also being ensured in all police units. Members of the police family also took part in the cleanliness drive conducted in residential complexes.
DGP Sudhir Saxena said that cleanliness has great importance in our lives. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched across the country under the guidance of Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. On the instructions of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, a cleanliness campaign is being run across the state in connection with the consecration ceremony of Lord Shri Ram on January 22 in Ayodhya. DGP said that cleanliness is an important aspect of our life and it should be included in our priority. While working in a clean environment infuses new energy into the policemen, the common people are also able to express their views fearlessly in the clean and positive environment of the police stations.