In a significant virtual ceremony, Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the auspicious occasion of the Bhoomi Poojan for the construction of Ren Basera at AIIMS Bhopal. The event marked a pivotal moment in enhancing healthcare facilities and patient care services in the region. The ceremony was attended by Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Honorable Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India virtually.
Expressing his views on this occasion of Bhoomi Poojan, Dr. Sunil Malik, President, AIIMS Bhopal said that there has been remarkable progress in the field of health care sector in the last 10 years and in the last one and a half years, AIIMS Bhopal has especially moved ahead under the leadership of Prof. (Dr) Ajai Singh. We are committed to providing better health services to the last person of the society.
On this occasion, Prof. (Dr) Ajai Singh spoke about the efforts being made by AIIMS Bhopal in enhancing the facilities for patients and their relatives in collaboration with various institutions and NGOs like Seva Bharti. A Ren Basera will be constructed with the help of Seva Bharti for people coming from remote areas for treatment at AIIMS Bhopal to stay at night. By constructing 500 rooms in an area of 22000 square feet, a solution to the accommodation facility for the patients and their relatives coming from far flung areas will be provided. He expressed hope that this Ren Basera will also have an all-religion prayer place and it will become an example of a mini India.
In the program organized at AIIMS Bhopal Hemant Muktibodh, senior social worker was present as special guests. From Seva Bharti Gopal Krishna Godani , Surendra, Raj Narayan Agnihotri, Laxmendra Maheshwari and other dignitaries were also present. The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Col. (Dr) Ajit Kumar, Deputy Director (Administration), AIIMS Bhopal.
Ren Basera at AIIMS Bhopal is poised to alleviate the burden of accommodation for patients and their families, thereby fostering an environment of comfort and care during their medical journey.