Deepak - ghee or oil ...explained by Shree Guru Rajan Ji

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Deepak - ghee or oil ...explained by Shree Guru Rajan Ji

Monday, 14 October 2024 | Neha M. R. Aggarwal

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Festive fervour and I already stacked up earthen lamps from the local market. A query that irks me every time I light one, that is whether to fill the diya with ghee or oil, I would so far pour in whatever came handy. But this time, I resolved to exercise this ritual mindfully and Shree Guru Rajan Ji, guides relevantly.

Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya |
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, (O Lord)
From unreality (the phenomenal world),
lead me towards the reality (eternal self).
From the darkness (ignorance) lead me towards the light (spiritual knowledge).
From mortality (material attachment), 
lead me towards the world of immortality (self-realization).
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.

As per the Agni Puran, only oil or Ghee (clarified butter) should be used in the lamp meant for puja and no other combustible compound.
A lamp lit with clarified butter is more sattvik (spiritually pure) as compared to lamp in which oil is used.

Largely, oil is used over ghee as it kindles the deepak (lamp) longer while the ghee lamp continues to light for a short period.

Our body has energy channels called Nadis, with the three main ones being Chandra Nadi (Moon), Surya Nadi (Sun), and Sushumna Nadi. Chandra Nadi brings coolness, Surya Nadi provides energy, and Sushumna Nadi is linked to spiritual growth.

With oil lamps, you can only activate the Surya Nadi. Whereas when we use ghee lamps, it helps to awaken the Nadi based on the activities you are taking part.

Influenced by external and internal factors, humans possess five subtle sheaths: Annamaya Kosha (food sheath), Pranamaya Kosha (vital air), Manomaya Kosha (mental), Vidnyanmaya Kosha (intellect), and Anandamaya Kosha (bliss). Ghee lamps enhance sattva (purity), calming the mind and body, while oil lamps increase rajas (restlessness). Spiritual experiences, or Anubhuti, occur beyond the senses, such as subtle fragrances or divine visions. Oil lamps are linked to earth and water elements, while ghee lamps are connected to fire and air elements.

Ghee from cow's milk is ideal for worship due to its strong sattvik nature and ability to emit divine frequencies. While ghee is preferred, sesame oil is a more sattvik alternative when ghee is unavailable.

In Kundalini Yoga, the seven chakras influence the body, mind, and intellect. Oil lamps aid in purifying the Muladhar and Swadhishthan chakras to some extent, while ghee lamps significantly purify the Manipur and Anahat chakras.

Do not light an oil lamp with a ghee lamp, or one lamp with another similar lamp.

If you touch a lamp during worship, wash your hands immediately to maintain its sattva purity, as touching may transfer impure raja-tama particles. Water aids in dissolving impurities, symbolically washing away sins.

Ghee aligns with the Tej (fire) and Vayu (air) elements, while oil connects to the Prithvi (earth) and Aap (water) elements. Lighting a ghee lamp enhances the sattva principle and spreads positive energy, while oil lamps amplify rajas. Ghee lamps emit a blue flame, strengthening spiritual connection, and should be placed facing East or North for optimal energy flow. Earthen lamps are preferred for ghee, followed by silver or brass lamps, to enhance prosperity and positive energy.

O Deity of lamp, you are of the form of Bramhan (the absolute truth). You are full of radiance. You never wither. Please bestow upon me, health and fine progeny, fulfilling my wishes.

Get a detailed analysis of your birth chart (kundli) and seek guidance on health, money, family, career, mind related matters. Contact Shri Guru Rajan Ji at : 9266514545, 9266524545

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