Bokaro Police, under the leadership of SP Manoj Swargiary, successfully arrested two members of a gang involved in stealing ATMs across several districts of Jharkhand. The accused, identified as 31-year-old Manohar Kumar Sahni from Vishnupur, Basanti Niwas, and 28-year-old Ramkumar from Tetulmari, Dhanbad, have admitted to their involvement in two ATM thefts during police interrogation.
Addressing a press conference, SP Swargiary revealed that the gang had targeted ATMs in Bokaro, Hazaribagh, and Ramgarh. These individuals, notorious for uprooting entire ATMs and fleeing with them, were tracked down by a special 15-member team led by Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Praveen Kumar Singh.
SP Swargiary also stated that one gang member remains absconding, and efforts are underway to apprehend him. The police's swift action and thorough investigation highlight their commitment to ensuring security in the region.