Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, not in the click of a camera shutter

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Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder, not in the click of a camera shutter

Thursday, 18 April 2024 | Atul Malikram

In our relentless pursuit of the perfect photo, we have lost sight of what truly matters

One day I was out with my friends and we went for lunch in a restaurant. As my friends and I settled into our seats at the bustling restaurant, the aroma of tantalizing dishes wafting through the air, my attention was momentarily drawn to a couple seated nearby. They had just been served their meals, yet something about their demeanor caught my eye. While my friends and I deliberated over our own menu choices, I found my gaze inexplicably drawn back to the couple. I watched curiously as the lady captured one photo after another of the meticulously presented dishes. Meanwhile, her companion sat across from her, a mixture of longing and resignation flickering across his face as he watched their food getting colder minute by minute.

Soon our own meals arrived at the table, and my mind momentarily shifted focus, eager to partake in the culinary delights before me. But later, my mind yet again conjured the scenario of the restaurant. While the whole matter might not be a big deal, it struck a chord within me—a poignant reminder of the ways in which our obsession with social media often eclipses the simple joys of human connection and shared experiences.

Gone were the days when photos and videos were cherished as tangible mementos, preserving cherished memories and moments in time. They were tokens of nostalgia, evoking the warmth of days gone by. But in today's age, the purpose of photography has undergone a profound shift. No longer do we snap pictures to immortalize meaningful experiences; instead, we wield our cameras as tools of self-glorification, seeking validation through the lens of social media.

And as I reflected on the scene from that afternoon, I couldn't help but wonder: in our relentless quest for the perfect photo, are we sacrificing the richness of lived experience? Are we so consumed by the desire to capture the moment that we forget to truly savor it?

Indeed, the incident I witnessed was just one among many examples of how our society has become ensnared by the allure of capturing the moment rather than living it. I have seen countless times people pulling out their phones, clicking pictures and videos while going on a trip or visiting places, eager to capture the perfect shot for their Instagram feeds. While exploring new places and cultures, we often find ourselves more preoccupied with framing the perfect shot than immersing ourselves fully in the richness of the experience. We traipse through breathtaking landscapes, our eyes glued to our screens, as if the true beauty of the world can only be appreciated through the filter of a camera lens.

But what is the point of seeing all those beautiful things if we can't experience them to the fullest? Beauty, after all, is meant to be felt, to be savored in all its raw and unfiltered glory. Yet, in our relentless pursuit of the picture-perfect moment, we risk reducing the world around us to a mere backdrop for our vanity. In doing so, we lose sight of the true essence of beauty—that which lies not in the pixels of a photograph, but in the fleeting moments of connection, joy, and wonder that define the human experience.

Additionally, constantly taking pictures with our cameras distracts us from paying attention to what's happening around us. This lack of focus diminishes our curiosity to learn more about the scene's background, importance, and special qualities. Rather than fully experiencing our surroundings, we get caught up in capturing them, missing out on chances to discover new and interesting things.

For in the end, the truest beauty is not found in the snapshots we capture, but in the memories we create, the experiences we cherish, and the connections we forge with one another. And it is only by freeing ourselves from the tyranny of the camera lens that we can truly appreciate the boundless beauty of the world around us.

The writer is an author and Political Strategist. Views are personal.

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