Since its launch by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in 2021, the Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service in Uttar Pradesh has successfully transported over 3,50,000 patients from various districts to major hospitals, providing life-saving care and treatment along the way.
Recognising that timely medical intervention can save millions of lives, doctors worldwide stress the importance of swift emergency care. In response, the Yogi government launched the Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance service in 2021, significantly improving access to critical medical care for the people of Uttar Pradesh.
The initiative has been particularly beneficial for critically ill patients, those with respiratory conditions, and accident victims.
Mission Director of the National Health Mission Dr Pinky Jowal stated that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took several significant steps to strengthen the state’s ailing healthcare system as soon as he assumed office in 2017.
“The results of these efforts are evident today. In line with these initiatives, CM Yogi launched the ALS ambulance service in August 2021 to ensure that critically ill, respiratory patients, and accident victims in small districts and remote areas receive timely treatment by being transferred to major institutions during the golden hour,” she remarked.
Currently, 250 ALS ambulances are operating in the state, transporting critically ill patients to major hospitals like SGPGI, AIIMS, KGMU, and RMLIMS.
Over the past three years, 3,60,584 patients have been shifted to these institutions within the golden hour for appropriate treatment, she added.
The ALS ambulance service has provided critical support to various categories of patients, including 63,448 severe victims of road accidents, 17,218 pregnant women, and 71,238 respiratory patients.
In addition to these, the service has also benefited individuals affected by wildlife conflicts, venomous animal bites, and other emergencies.
Additionally, the 108 and 102 ambulance services offer free transportation to patients, serving over 57,000 patients daily.
ALS ambulances are laced with modern medical equipment, experienced paramedical staff are deployed to care for critically ill patients, telemedicine allows for online consultations with doctors if needed.
The ambulances are equipped with ventilators, heart monitors, and pumps, apart from modern devices including ECG machines.