Chairman Rajya Sabha and Vice President, Jagdeep Dhankhar, on Thursday said that the issue of farmers, have been put by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the centre stage.
In his remarks in the house he stressed that in every walk of life—whether affordable housing, whether solar house, whether Jal in Har Nal, and technology to farmers. Therefore, our expectations are bound to be high. It is a time when there is convergence to take the farmer to a greater height.
"So I have no doubt what is being done at the moment will get greater momentum and all agencies are converging. Our expectations are high, but our accomplishments are also historic; our achievements are also splendid, and this will go a long way for the nation", he added.
Earlier, taking note of Chairman’s recent concerns on farmer issues, Former Prime Minister HD. Deve Gowda, stated in the House, "You speak so much about the farmer; yesterday..........on the issue of the farming communities. You are so much concerned about the farming community. I am a farmer, Sir."
Recently, Dhankhar had expressed concerns regarding the challenges faced by farmers. His remarks today reaffirm the government’s commitment to the farming community.