Driving along on a cool morning, a constant honking, and my focus on it got it under my skin and pronto – I was ready to get off the car to confront. My senses compromised.
Alternatively – in a similar situation, I shifted my focus to the music in my car. Gave way. All good. Am still in-charge of me – uncompromisedwith my peace.
The difference was the unconscious self-consent to the conscious management of the self
Anger is capacious, corrupt, and an exaggerative natural human emotion, mostly manipulative and intelligently applied, contaminating our holistic functioning.
The triggers can be many. We often allow them to grow develop over time - unattended and unacknowledged.
Broadly speaking there are 10 primary causes of anger …
- Personal loss / Feeling short changed
- Feeling Not-in-Control
- Disconnect from Reality / Denial
- Lack of Acceptability
- Expectations and Reciprocity
- Twisted Entitlement
- Fear / Insecurity
- Living in Ingratitude / Distorted vison of wants and needs
- Ego
- Genetic
Remarkably – Anger, most of the time is a translation or by product of fear, uncertainties and need for control. It is all about - Inappropriate Attitudes and Lack of acceptance
The average neurological response to anger lasts for just a few seconds. It is the “holding on to” that creates the issue. Goes against the Universal essence of flowing. It leads to a false sense of our self or situation, making us vulnerable.
As a feeling - Lasts Moments
Holding on - converts to an “Emotion” (the nest of negative hormones starts building) … Minutes
Further can become a “Condition” (The nest transforms to a dwelling) … Hours
Leading to what medical science calls “Intermittent Explosive disorder”… Long Term Distortion needing help
Anger changes the cerebral cell structure and wiring. Recurrence causes permanent irreversible changes. The Real you is - naturally far more compassionate, kind and
accepting - the instinctive, inherent, innate human nature.
The Bhagavat Gita sums up beautifully how – desire and attachment lead to anger and this further leads to clouded judgement, loss of our discerning abilities and debilitation of thought.
The “Yaksha Prashna” … (Aaranyaka Parva of the Mahabharata), has a couple of answers by Yudhishthira -
The Invincible enemy - Anger
Renunciation of greed, anger, untruth lead to peace
The “Chaos Theory / The Butterfly Effect” is a classic example of a cascading effect in other life segments. A Butterfly fluttering its wings in Brazil can cause a tornado in Texas a month later!! This incredulity reveals the horror of the Butterfly effect.
“Control” of emotions eventually manoeuvres to disturb something else. It is about consistent, conscious, and authentic efforts to acknowledge and address it … “Managing” is the key.
There are NO Thumb Rules. Coping mechanisms are individualistic but can include ...
- Let go. Go with the flow
- Naivety is to think, we control everything. Maturity is to realise what we control and what controls us
- Things happen for a reason. Trust the Universe and Respond with Gratitude
- Have the Faith. Recognize You are the product of your Karmas
- Stop embracing upsetting thoughts. Step Back. Observe
- Accept. The Universe is “Perfectly Imperfect.”
- Being a Perfectionist is a Unrealistic
- Everything is Unique. Don’t become a yardstick
- Be Mindful. Be in Now
- Be Picky with your battles. Learn to Ignore
- Practise Snapping out. Shift attention to the pleasant and fulfilling
- There is always a trade-off. Keep expectations real and moderate
- Stop Correcting the world. Start Correcting yourself
- We are Not entitled to anything in the outer world. Only to our Inner Universe
Anger has a character
If "You" manage it ... it can be Creative
If "It" controls you ... you become Destructive
Happiness - Unhappiness Coexist. Sagacity - Stupidity Coexist. Accept and Balance it.