Terrorism resurges amid shifts in strategy

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Terrorism resurges amid shifts in strategy

Saturday, 17 August 2024 | SUDHIR HINDWAN

Terrorism resurges amid shifts in strategy

With militants shifting their focus to Jammu and adopting more aggressive strategies, concerns over national security are once again at the forefront

The recent terrorist attack on Army Captain Deepak Singh, tragically killed a day before India's 78th Independence Day, must be condemned unequivocally. This act of violence, along with the discovery that at least three terrorists were hiding in the Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), underscores the persistence of militant activities in the region. Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated one but a continuation of the long-standing saga of terrorism in J&K. Recent attacks in Jammu indicate a significant shift in terrorist activities due to several factors.

Firstly, terrorists want to send a message that despite the abrogation of Article 370 and the central government's commendable efforts, the situation in J&K remains unstable. Secondly, Jammu's vast forest areas provide an ideal base for militants to launch guerrilla attacks and evade security forces. Thirdly, the improved law and order situation in Kashmir has led to a shift in insurgent focus toward Jammu. Lastly, while terrorism in the region had been suppressed for a time, it has not been eradicated, and militants are now re-emerging with increased vigor.

J&K has long been a target of insurgents. Over the years, numerous terrorist attacks in areas like Sopore, Budgam, and Dooru Shahbad have raised serious concerns for security agencies. What is particularly alarming about the recent upsurge is the shift in strategy. Terrorists are no longer just targeting the military and police but are also attacking civilians, indicating their desperation to gain attention. Additionally, there has been no respite between these attacks, as militants seem relentless in their mission of destruction. Unlike in the past, Jammu has now become the epicenter of this terror onslaught due to its proximity to the border. Religion has once again resurfaced as a significant motivating factor for terrorists.

The primary goal of these terrorists is to destabilize the region and create a vulnerable atmosphere. The involvement of a neighboring country with a hidden agenda cannot be ruled out. For many militants, terrorism provides a livelihood, with individuals willing to sacrifice their lives for monetary compensation. Ajmal Kasab, the infamous terrorist involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, is one such example of someone misled into committing heinous acts in exchange for money.

Despite efforts by the central government to address the issue through dialogues with Pakistan and engaging with separatists, insurgent activities continue unabated. Policymakers must recognize that terrorism directly impacts the nation's well-being. Anti-terrorism policies must be flexible and responsive to changing threats, utilizing the latest recommendations and technologies to ensure security.

Today's terrorists are far more organized and professional than those from a decade ago. Although new security measures have been implemented, the threat remains unpredictable. The region's geography provides an ideal base for guerrilla activities, and the militants have become more sophisticated in their strategies, acquiring advanced weapons from across the border. Their use of automatic weapons, grenades, and low-intensity bombs demonstrates meticulous planning and execution.

This modern breed of terrorists no longer hides in the shadows. They openly attack, targeting financial hubs and other vital locations, as seen in recent global terror incidents. Terrorists exploit advancements in transportation and weaponry to expand their networks. Suicide squads, in particular, have shocked the security apparatus with their boldness and brutality. Terrorists meticulously plan their attacks, aiming to inspire fear and manipulate the public to achieve their objectives.

In his famous work, "Why Men Rebel," Ted Robert Gurr argues that people driven by intense motivation toward a goal often resort to violence. This is evident in modern terrorism, where militants see their acts as justified sacrifices for a cause. William Hennery also noted that some politically motivated acts of terrorism are so deeply rooted in commitment that no sanctions can deter them.

International experts like Professor Yonah Alexander have analyzed the evolution of terrorism. Modern terrorists differ from their predecessors in their use of technology and tactics. Small, sophisticated groups now employ increasingly violent methods to create a psychological impact, aiming to instill fear in the public and force governments to react.

The ultimate goal of terrorism is psychological, not practical. Terrorists seek to alter behavior and bring about societal or governmental changes through fear.  There is an urgent need for preventive measures to address the grievances fueling terrorism, improved security strategies, and an understanding of the social and cultural factors driving people to insurgency.

Effective counter-terrorism efforts require not just government action but also community involvement. Citizens can play a critical role in improving security by cooperating with law enforcement agencies. Beyond strict anti-terrorism laws, programs aimed at addressing the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty and lack of education, are essential.

Several nations have taken steps to combat state-sponsored terrorism, including economic sanctions, but consensus remains elusive at both the national and international levels. The nexus between drug smuggling and terrorism further complicates matters. To address this, judicial procedures must be streamlined to ensure speedy trials for those involved in drug trafficking and terrorism. India, in particular, can learn valuable lessons from the counter-terrorism efforts of other nations, such as the United States, which has effectively prevented major terrorist attacks since 9/11.

(The author, a recipient of the Bharat Gaurav award, is a professor and expert on strategic affairs; views are personal)

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