Varanasi, Prayagraj and Ayodhya drawing tourists in large numbers

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Varanasi, Prayagraj and Ayodhya drawing tourists in large numbers

Friday, 29 December 2023 | PNS | Lucknow

Contrary to the usual trend of people flocking to popular holiday destinations like Goa, Kerala or even international locales such as Malaysia for New Year celebrations, the turn of the year 2024 sees a notable shift. Ayodhya, Banaras and Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh are witnessing a significant influx of tourists, particularly from states like Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka.

The surge in visitors is poised to propel the hotel and travel business, including Lucknow, beyond the Rs 150 crore-mark in the very first week of the year.

Travel agencies attribute this shift to the improved development of religious sites in Uttar Pradesh, drawing tourists in large numbers. The New Year festivities are witnessing a substantial increase in the number of tourists from the South, with travel agencies reporting that inbound interest surpasses outbound requests.

Anurag Singh, a tour operator, remarks on the rapid increase in tourists to Ayodhya and Banaras, indicating a more than 100 per cent growth in bookings for the year 2024.

He highlights the positive impact on the travel industry and tourism in Uttar Pradesh, emphasising that the surge is a significant boon after a decline in tourist numbers post-2019.

Singh says that the company facilitates complete travel arrangements for individuals from Uttar Pradesh traveling to places like Kerala and Tamil Nadu, while travelers from other states are increasingly reaching out to book tours.

The estimated business generated by the influx of tourists is anticipated to exceed Rs 150 crore, with over a thousand small and large travel agents operating in cities like Lucknow, Varanasi and Prayagraj.

Manoj Chaudhary, a travel agency operator, identifies the primary influx from three states – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Telangana. Additionally, visitors from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra are contributing to the surge, with Ayodhya, Banaras and Prayagraj being the preferred destinations.

He says a 5-day, 4-night trip costs a minimum of Rs 15,000 per person, excluding flight or train tickets. However, this figure does not include their commuting expenses. The travel agency provides comprehensive packages covering accommodation, food and transportation for the entire journey. He emphasises that the minimum expenditure is set, but there is no upper limit for those willing to spend more.

As the holidays align with Saturday and Sunday, people from outside Uttar Pradesh and other districts within the state are also contributing to the surge in tourists. The high demand for hotels in Banaras, Ayodhya and Prayagraj is leading to booking challenges, with good hotels in Banaras already fully reserved. Tourists are resorting to booking hotels in Lucknow for their visit to Ayodhya, and similar scenarios are observed in Prayagraj.

The unprecedented demand is not limited to accommodations but also extends to transportation. Amrendra Shukla highlights the shortage of available vehicles, leading to increased bookings of traveler trains and vehicles for destinations like Ayodhya, Banaras and Prayagraj. Shukla notes the high demand for various types of vehicles, with rates ranging from Rs 11 to Rs 32 per kilometer, and reveals that they are struggling to meet the overwhelming demand for transportation.

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