Project ‘Power’ officially kickstarted from Indore Region on Saturday. The project Power was inaugurated by our Executive Director - Nitesh Ranjan.
Zonal Head – Biraja Parsad Das, Dy Zonal Head – Ved Parkash Arora, Regional Head of Indore Region – Ajit Kumar Lalwani, Regional Head of Bhopal Central Region –Javed Jafriand both regionsDy Regional Heads also attended the event.
All branch Heads of aspirational district of Indore and Bhopal were present along with MCB Head, MLP Head, CRC Head, RLP Head and Business Relationship Managers during the event. The event started with welcome address by Fields General Manager Biraja Prasad Das. He briefed about the Macro Shift in economy in term of Gold Loan Business &Women Entrepreneurs and how union bank is placed at right spot to achieve the desired business goal in the state of MP. He also touches upon the two aspirations Bank has taken during last year and achieved both aims.
Executive Director – Nitesh Ranjan officially unveiled Project Power and brief about the Project through detailed PPT over the subject. He thoroughly elaborated the concept
of the Project Power along with expectations from the field as well as Business Relationship Manager. He also briefs about the aspirations taken by the Bank during
Current Year which are as under –Rs 21.5 Trillion Global Business, 3rd largest PSB (in Global Operating Profit).
Further, Regional Heads of respective regions deliberated strategy and potential available
in their allotted aspirational districts starting from Indore and ends up with Bhopal.
Thereafter, BRM introduces their self along with the roles and responsibilities assigned to
them. Three Branch Heads from both regions have also briefed about their Business figures along with SWOT analysis of their branch potential and there strategies to achieve the
current FY commitment figures. Three branches from each region had also been felicitated based on their performance undervarious business campaigns launched by central office. The meeting ended with vote of Thanks by Dy Zonal Head – Ved Parkash Arora.