Gautam Nagar police arrested two drug peddlers and seized 16.743 kg of Cannabis worth over Rs 2 lakh, accused used to sell to customers in Bhopal and nearby areas.
Taking legal action under the NDPS Act, on receipt of information of illegal Cannabis dealers on Saturday in Sharda Nagar area of Nariyalkheda two accused were detained and when the two were questioned and their belongings were searched Cannabis was found from their possession.
The two accused were identified as Narendra Singh and Harinarayan alias Golu the accused were arrested and Cannabis 16.743 kg was seized from their possession.
The accused were produced before the Information about buying and selling marijuana is being obtained from the accused and criminal records are being searched.
Meanwhile Jehangirabad police have arrested burglar and recovered stolen goods worth Rs 5 lakh, three laptops,computers tablets and cameras of Canon company were recovered.
The accused was identified as Aman alias Sirajuddin, accused does housekeeping work to evade suspicion.
The accused used to do cleaning work at the gym near the filter pump. Accused also stole the mobile and laptop of a worshiper from Masjid Noorbagh.
The accused carried out two incidents of theft in two months in the Jahangirabad area. The accused carried out the incident of theft in Kohefiza, in Lalghati he stole a camera.