Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday actively engaged with the public during a Jan Samvad program held in Shahzadpur. Attentively listening to the concerns and issues raised by the attendees, he promptly directed the relevant officials to expedite the resolution of these problems.
In response to a request from Shahzadpur Sarpanch Ravinder Singh, the Chief Minister approved the implementation of a sewerage system in Shahzadpur. In addition, he announced a grant of Rs five lakhs for the construction work of the Radha-Krishna Bal Ashram in Naraiangarh, which is operated by the District Yuva Shakti Sangathan, based on the organization's request.
Responding to the request for a railway line facility from Naraiangarh, he said that the Central Government had previously conducted a study for this railway line, but feasibility was not determined at that time. However, in light of the current demand from the people, the request will be resubmitted to the Centre for a renewed study regarding the railway line.
Raising the issue of Naraiangarh Sugar Mill, farmer’s organizations and farmers raised the issue of payment of sugarcane dues. In response, the Chief Minister assured that efforts are underway to rectify the sugar mill's operations. The sugar mill is currently facing financial obligations of Rs 100 crore to HARCO Bank and approximately Rs 150 crore to IREDA. In addition, there were pending dues of Rs 66 crore owed to the farmers from the previous year.
Due to legal proceedings against the mill owner, resulting in imprisonment, the sugar mill's operations had suffered. However, the government has been working diligently to improve the situation. He said that running the sugar mill in the interest of the farmers is a top priority, if the mill is closed, farmers will suffer a lot. Clearing the outstanding dues of farmers from sugar mills remains priority of the government.
In response to the Sarpanch of Pilkhani village’s request, the Chief Minister announced to construct a park and gymnasium in the village, demonstrating the government's commitment to community development.
Regarding the issue of shifting power lines, the Chief Minister informed that the State has allocated an amount of Rs 151 crore for this purpose.
Upholding the principles of Antodaya, the Haryana Government remains committed to advancing development projects alongside providing essential services to the public.
During his interaction with the community, the Chief Minister also announced the successful implementation of the first inter-district transfer of JBT (Junior Basic Training) teachers in the state.
In Barwala, the Chief Minister stated that in the last nine years of the present State Government's tenure, significant developmental work has been undertaken at the tehsil, block, and district levels. He said that substantial funds of Rs 25 crores have been allocated for road construction in each constituency, with road construction work already underway.
Furthermore, due to heavy rainfall, the repair and construction of bridges and roads have been initiated, with work currently in progress.