In the country's first Arm-wrestling Academy situated in Birla Nagar, Gwalior, along with the regular players, government employees are also practising vigorously for the national competitions to be held later in the year. The players are practising under the guidance of arm-wrestling world champion and coach Manish Kumar. While Manish Kumar himself is posted in the Excise Department, Shailendra Rajput, a player is an employee of the Gwalior Court and players like Sachin Bhadoria, Kamlesh Chaurasia and Vijay Shakya are posted in Madhya Pradesh Police.
President of Gwalior Arm-wrestling Welfare Association, Dr. Keshav Pandey said that nowadays the craze for arm-wrestling has increased manyfold among the youth because of its inclusion in many state and country level competitions. He added that this year arm-wrestling is also included in the State Police Games. He also said that noted body builders like Motilal Dayma and other veteran bodybuilders are also getting attracted towards arm-wrestling.
Organization's secretary Deepak Tomar, Dr. Nitin Bhardwaj, Sanjeev Sharma, and Ashish Oberoi were also present to encourage the players.