Himachal Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Friday reached Spiti Valley on his three-day visit to district Lahaul-Spiti where the local people accorded a welcome with traditional costumes and musical instruments at Sagnam Helipad, Kungri Gompa and Dhankar Gompa.
Sukhu offered prayers at the famous Kungri and Dhankhar Gompa of the valley and later started his speech by saying 'Jule', which means hello or 'Namaste' in Hindi.
Addressing a gathering at Kungri Gompa, the Chief Minister said that emphasis would be laid on the maximum use of technology to strengthen the infrastructure in the region and with a vision to strengthen the economy of the valley, 4G services would be extending up to Spiti Valley. He said that the state government was well aware of the difficulties faced by the tribal areas and was working with commitment to make their daily life more comfortable and accessible. He said that to solve the problems of Spiti Valley, a plan would be prepared and implemented in consultation with the local MLA.
"The present State Government was determined for the development of the tribal areas and this year a state-level function was being celebrated at Kaza on Himachal Day, which would further strengthen the culture of the region and connect with the people here", he added.
The Chief Minister said that the state government was taking concrete steps to bring back the economy which was in the trough due to the financial mismanagement of the previous government and the positive results of these would be seen in the next four years. He assured that with the cooperation of all, Himachal would be among the most prosperous states of the country in the next ten years.