Chief Minister Hemant Soren today handed over a cheque of Rs 2 lakh for financial assistance to the family of late Vishal Oraon, an outsourced worker working under Ranchi Municipal Corporation, at the Chief Minister's Residential Office, Kanke Road, Ranchi. On the occasion, the CM expressed deep condolences to the family members of late Vishal Oraon.
The Chief Minister said that all of us are deeply saddened by the untimely demise of Vishal Oraon. The Chief Minister has assured the family members of Ranchi Municipal Corporation employee Late Vishal Oraon that every possible help will be provided to them by the State Government and the family will soon be included in the social security net.
It is noteworthy that Vishal Oraon, a resident of Keshav Nagar, Kumhar Toli, Ranchi, died due to drowning while bathing on the beach while visiting Odisha (Puri) on 27 September 2023. Late Vishal Oraon was an employee of an outsourcing company under Ranchi Municipal Corporation and was working as a gardener at the Chief Minister's residence on Kanke Road, Ranchi.
Late Vishal Oraon's mother Nandani Devi, elder brother Ravi Oraon and other family members were present on the occasion.