The Gurugram police has nabbed a Bhojpuri singer identified as Abhishek aka Babul Bihari for allegedly raping a minor girl in Gurugram and posting her photo on social media.
According to the police, 21-year-old Babul Bihari lived in the Rajiv Nagar area of Gurugram two years ago. He had befriended a 13-year-old girl there. The accused had reportedly taken the minor to a hotel where he allegedly raped her. The accused had also clicked an objectionable photo of the minor. However, the victim did not disclose the incident to anyone but a few days ago the accused shared the objectionable pictures of the girl on social media. The pictures went viral after which the victim’s parents came to know about the incident and only after this the girl spilled the whole truth.
Thereafter, the victim’s family approached the police and an FIR was lodged at the Sector 14 police station under relevant sections of the POCSO and IT Act.
“We have arrested the accused. He was produced before a local court and sent to jail,” Krishan Kant, station house officer of Sector-14 police station.