Ranchi and Gumla police have achieved great success and arrested three car and bike thieves on Wednesday. Two have been arrested from Gumla and one from Ranchi. On the information of the three, the police have recovered 12 stolen bikes and one car. There is a BJP flag on the seized Swift car.
The two arrested by Gumla police are said to be a couple and masterminds of the theft case. Ranchi Police has also arrested a mastermind. The police are thoroughly interrogating all three. On the trail of the three, police are conducting raids in different areas of Ranchi and Gumla. Police are confident that many more stolen vehicles may be recovered. The police have also received important information about many thieves and based on the input received, the police are busy taking further action.
Meanwhile, a cyber-criminal who cheated Rs 87.29 lakh has been arrested. Cyber cell of CID has taken the action. CID has arrested 29 year old Luv Kush Sharma, resident of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. Two mobile phones, bank account and documents used in the fraud have been recovered from him. It is noteworthy that a case was registered in Cyber Cell police station on January 20, 2023 by Bindeshwari Singh, resident of Hatia in Jagannathpur police station area.
It was said in the complaint filed that cyber criminals had fraudulently withdrawn Rs 87.29 from HDFC's Bank of India account from May 2022 to January 2023 in lieu of returning the policy money after the completion period of the policy and transfer was done to different bank accounts. During the investigation of the case, the CID team arrested Luv Kush Sharma.
3 vehicle thieves arrested, cyber fraud held
Thursday, 28 September 2023 | PNS
| Ranchi
3 vehicle thieves arrested, cyber fraud held
Thursday, 28 September 2023 | PNS | Ranchi