Preserve natural habitats for national well-being

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Preserve natural habitats for national well-being

Thursday, 07 September 2023 | Shweta rawat

Preserve natural habitats  for national well-being

To build climate resilient communities in India, we must protect the health of our natural habitats

The natural habitats and ecosystems in India act as the heartbeat of our land. They provide shelter, food, and protection to not just diverse types of plants and animals but also have an essential role in human existence. A cared-for habitat offers crucial resources like fuel, food, fodder, and goods, supporting human sustenance and well-being.

Wellbeing Connection

The causal link between people’s health and the health of natural habitats or the overall environmental changes is ignored. This is because, often, the impact is indirect and displaced in space or time. For instance, in the context of India, the increase in cases of Forest fires has led to the destruction of homes for animals and plants, hurting ecosystems and biodiversity. Fires change or kill plants that support lots of wildlife, making animals leave or die. One such case was when a five-day inferno swept the Bandipur Tiger Reserve, scorching over 15,400 acres from February 21 to 25, 2019. The blaze, detected via 127 fire counts across the 912 sq km expanse, inflicted severe damage on this precious forested area. The fire also harmed around 40 acres in the Mudumalai forest in Tamil Nadu.

Impact of climate change

Climate change's impact on humans is complex. Rising temperatures in India, reaching nearly 50°C, endanger lives. According to the International Labour Organization, temperatures above 39°C can be fatal and disrupt work, hitting older workers harder and driving migration. By 2030, 2% of global work hours could be lost due to heat. Crowded, poorly ventilated cities worsen this for India's 1.4 billion people. Additionally, climate change brings water woes. Rising temperatures dry up water sources, triggering scarcity. Recent floods in Delhi from the overflowing Yamuna River illustrate the flip side. Intense rainfall caused chaos, blocking roads and raising disease risks. Climate change's dual nature - scorching heat and flooding downpours - exposes vulnerability. It's not just a future concern; it's here, impacting livelihoods, health, and daily lives. Adapting to these changes is crucial.

The vulnerable communities in India face the impact of such atrocities in even more severity. Rural India constitutes 65 per cent of the overall population in India, amongst whom 47 per cent are dependent on agriculture as their primary source of income. The floods, landslides, and forest fires affect the agricultural lands.  Conservation of Natural Habitats

Conserving natural habitats, comprising forests, rivers, and biodiversity, holds immense significance. These habitats serve as the backbone of ecological balance, providing clean air, water, and essential resources. Aside from environmental benefits, conservation improves communal resilience. Preserving forests helps prevent floods and maintain stable climates, while intact rivers ensure water availability. Biodiversity safeguards against diseases and supports agriculture.

Key Initiatives

Collaboration among government, NGOs, and stakeholders is vital for conserving habitats and combating climate change. Some examples of organizations working in the area are- The Nature Conservancy India (TNC), TNC-India, with support from Rural India Support Trust, is developing and implementing a science-based, community-led approach to restoring 250 hectares of Narmada’s degraded riparian forests to benefit people and biodiversity in one of its projects titled- Restoring River Narmada Riparian Zones.

Collective action from individuals to large-scale initiatives drives positive change for sustainable habitats and human stability. Joint efforts,  foster impactful transformations ensuring a balanced coexistence between nature and society.

(The writer is founder and chairperson of The Hans Foundation)

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