Never give up ‘YAJNA’, ‘DANA’ AND ‘TAPA’

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Never give up ‘YAJNA’, ‘DANA’ AND ‘TAPA’

Thursday, 06 July 2023 | AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

Never give up ‘YAJNA’, ‘DANA’ AND ‘TAPA’

These three acts are very important to succeed in life

These are three Sanskrit words. I chose to use them because two of them don’t have appropriate English words. The closest English word for yajna is sacrifice, which is defined as giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. The real meaning of yajna is an act of offering to God and His divine authorities meaning gods and goddesses and tyaga, for which the closest word is renunciation. The word dana is well represented by the English word donation. The closest English word for tapa is austerity, which is defined as the condition of living without unnecessary things and comfort, with limited money or goods, or a practice, habit, or experience that is typical of this. The real meaning of tapa is to accept difficult conditions to purify and raise self for high gains.

These three are very important to succeed in life. Lord Krishna states, “Acts related to yajna, dana, and tapa are worth doing; they purify wise persons.” (18.5) In the next verse the Lord gives His definite opinion. “These acts of yajna, dana and tapa should be done by giving up attachment and fruits of action.” (18.6)

Let me start with ‘yajna’. They are done in many ways. The most popular yajna is ‘havana’ (fire sacrifice), in which offerings are made to gods and goddesses. Lord Brahma has instructed us human beings, “Do such yajna; gods and goddesses will fulfil all your desires.” (3.10) We also give up our ahankara this way; accepting that they are superior to us. Such actions purify the atmosphere. However, the rewards are material and are limited. Then, there are other types of yajna, “Yogis carry out sacrifice of money, sacrifice by austerity and sacrifice by yoga practice. The practitioners, who are determined to fulfil their vows, carry out sacrifice by self-study.” (4.28) All such yajnas are meant to please God, “By knowing Me as the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities, the Lord of all the worlds, the friend of all living entities, one attains peace.” (5.29) One gain many more benefits by doing yajnas, “One gets cleansed of impurities by performing sacrifices.” (4.30) Let me take up ‘dana’ next. In human birth, we must give some dana. There is a wrong impression that Dana is of money only. It is not true. Material goods, which are not in use can be donated to the needy. Normally, almost everyone has many more clothes than one uses. Why store them? Why not give them away to someone who needs them? Lord Krishna encourages such acts when He stated, “Act related to charity are worth doing only; charity purifies.” (18.5) Now I take up ‘tapa’ or ‘tapasya’. These are of body, speech, and mind. Lord Krishna has described, “Properly honouring gods, Brahmins, teachers, and wise persons, purity, simplicity, celibacy and non-violence – these are called the tapa of the body.” (17.18) “Utterance, which is not agitating; is truthful; and is pleasing and beneficial; and also regular recitation of Vedic texts – all these are called the tapa of speech.” (17.15) And, “Satisfaction of the mind, pleasant peace, silence meaning not speaking unnecessarily, self-control over the senses and the mind, purity of emotions – these are tapa of the mind.” (17.16) Tapa is to deprive our faculties of enjoying what is harmful. And the biggest gain is internal purity. External gains are also substantial but internal gains help us to reach higher levels, which qualify us for deserving peace, bliss, etc. What will I do? I will follow Lord Krishna’s wise counsel, The Lord had stated, “Learned people have understood giving up acts, which fulfil desires for enjoyment as sannyasa, and wise people declare relinquishment of fruits of all acts as tyaga.” (18.2) But yajna, dana and tapa must never be given up. (18.3)

(The writer is a spiritual teacher

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