Naturopathy, yoga can help in anaemia

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Naturopathy, yoga can help in anaemia

Saturday, 08 July 2023 | Babina Nandakumar

Naturopathy, yoga can help in anaemia

Healthy blood cell production can be supported by resorting to these means

Do you sometimes experience fatigue, weakness and poor health, but tend to dismiss it as seasonal impact? However, persistent feelings of lethargy and sluggishness could be an indication of an underlying health condition, such as anaemia. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), India has one of the highest rates of anaemia globally, particularly among women.

Anaemia is commonly caused by an imbalance of red blood cells (RBCs) in the body, often resulting from excessive blood loss, low production of RBCs or autoimmune diseases. Regardless of the cause, anaemia can hinder an individual's overall growth and development, and can also stem from iron and folate deficiencies. Haemoglobin levels typically decrease in various types of anaemia, as this protein in RBCs transports oxygen throughout the body.

Several factors can increase your likelihood of developing anaemia. If your diet lacks essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, Vitamin B-12, folate and copper, you are at a higher risk. Intestinal disorders, such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease, which can affect nutrient absorption in the small intestine, also increase the risk of anaemia.

Women who have not gone through menopause are more likely to develop iron deficiency anaemia than men and postmenopausal women due to the loss of RBCs during menstruation. Pregnant women who do not take multivitamins with folic acid and iron are also at risk of anaemia.

Chronic conditions like cancer and kidney failure can lead to anaemia of chronic disease by causing a shortage of RBCs. Additionally, slow, continuous blood loss from an ulcer or other internal source can cause iron deficiency anaemia. Consuming a diet rich in iron, vitamin B12, folate and copper can help address anaemia by replenishing the body's stores of RBCs and supporting healthy blood cell production.

Leafy greens are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals that can help address anaemia, including folate and iron. Foods such as kale, spinach and collard greens are naturally rich in these nutrients and can be an important component of a balanced diet to treat anaemia and iron deficiency.

Root vegetables are a valuable addition to a diet aimed at increasing blood count and treating anaemia due to their high mineral content. Regular consumption of root vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes can be beneficial for boosting nutrient intake and improving blood cell production. Seeds and nuts are a nutrient-dense food group that can help treat anaemia due to their high mineral and vitamin content. These can also be a rich source of dietary fibre, which can aid in improving blood cell production and increasing blood count.

Increasing the intake of Vitamin C can be beneficial in mitigating anaemia as it promotes the absorption of iron. Iron absorption occurs primarily in the duodenum and Vitamin C helps to capture non-haeme iron and facilitate its absorption. By sealing the iron in specific areas of the body, Vitamin C can help the body absorb it effectively. Including foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries and bell peppers in a balanced diet can be a simple way to increase Vitamin C intake.

Besides, yoga is a well-known practice that offers numerous benefits to the human body. Regular yoga practice can help improve the functioning of the heart which, in turn, may contribute to improving the levels of haemoglobin. Certain yoga poses have been identified as particularly effective in enhancing haemoglobin levels. By incorporating these poses into a regular yoga routine, individuals may be able to address anaemia and other related health concerns. Such poses include Sarvangasana, Anulom-Vilom Pranayama and Ujjayi Pranayama.

(The writer is the Chief Medical Officer, Jindal Nature Cure Institute)

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