Green Day

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Green Day

Saturday, 03 June 2023 | Pioneer

Green Day

We must realise that we can afford to ignore environmental issues only at our own peril

The World Environment Day, celebrated annually on June 5, is unlike any other for, if nothing else, the sheer importance it holds for our survival and that of our future generations. It's quite understandable to scoff at yet another 'World This Day' or 'World That Day', especially since it doesn't hold any personal or intimate meaning in our lives such as our birthday or Mother's Day or Father's Day but what lends it gravitas is that it's much more than an individual's celebration: It calls for joint efforts by the global communities - in fact all of humanity - to protect, safeguard and conserve nature, lest we all shall perish before too long. With the increasing urgency of environmental issues, this day serves as a powerful reminder that we cannot afford to overlook the state of our environment. Unfortunately, and as a result of mankind's own doing, the world today faces unprecedented environmental challenges, including climate change, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, pollution and water scarcity, among others. These issues not only impact ecosystems and wildlife but also pose severe threats to human health, livelihood and future generations. The day aims to unite diverse stakeholders, including individuals, organisations, Governments and communities around the world, in fostering global collaboration and solidarity. It also serves as a platform for sharing ideas, best practices and innovative approaches to tackle environmental challenges effectively.

In this light, we must train ourselves to make sincere efforts in becoming more aware of the causes that have led to, and are still leading to, issues like global warming, water scarcity and deforestation. On a very basic scale, it's also high time to plant and nurture trees as well as to reduce mankind's carbon footprint by cutting down on the greenhouse gas emissions by adapting to greener and healthier technologies rather than shamelessly using air-conditioners and fossil fuel-guzzling vehicles. In this time and age, when we have technologies such as electric vehicles available to us for use, what stops us from holding out that little bit of extra down payment initially and go for an electric vehicle which would stand us and the environment in good stead in the years to come? From minimising waste, recycling material and conserving energy to promoting eco-friendly transportation and embracing renewable resources, the global citizen must vow individual action in mitigating environmental degradation. Though the Governments have already woken up to this existential threat, what with a host of groupings like COP 27  working overtime to tackle the menace, it also helps promote policy changes and advocacy efforts. The day reminds Governments to enact and enforce environmental regulations, supports the development of sustainable policies and encourages lawmakers to prioritise environmental protection. So let's not stand in the way of a green Earth; in fact, let's help lay a new path that rejuvenates our tiring planet.


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