Four most important existential questions

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Four most important existential questions

Friday, 07 April 2023 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

Four most important existential questions

We all have free will, which allows us to think and achieve big. Of course, our honest endeavours should be aided by the divine

We all have many questions. I feel that four questions definitely need answers. These are: why have we been made so small, I mean as souls; why is materialism discouraged; why is the creation God-centric; and what are the criteria for pleasing God?

Let me begin with the smallness of souls. Our material bodies may be big in our eyes, but intrinsically we are really quite small. Because the prime mover or the motive power comes from the soul only. Once the soul leaves the body, the body dies. With the chip revolution, we have learnt not to underestimate smallness. In any case, smallness is a comparative measurement, and we are really very small as compared to God, who is immeasurable. Even with such smallness, we are capable of doing lots of mischief. Due to our smallness, the creation exists and does so for millions of years. We are forced to cooperate due to our inherent smallness. The Cosmic Design is perfect. Our smallness is not a handicap. We all have free will, which allows us to think big. We are capable of doing big tasks aided by divine authorities and others.

As for materialism, why is it discouraged? There are two basic ways to view the universe – the spiritual and the materialistic. In material consciousness, one feels that there is no God or any divine arrangement. Consequently, there is no ‘Karmaphala’ phenomenon. What does such consciousness do? It keeps us at lower levels. Not only do we make mistakes, not fearing retribution, but also deny ourselves what God can do for us. And God can do a lot for us.

Now the next question is about why the creation is God-centric. What else could it be? With so many of us in this universe itself, God had to be unimaginably big, and He is absolutely incomprehensible so that He could manage vast creation. Otherwise, how can good people survive when demons outnumber good persons by far? Lord Krishna has given a little hint about God’s fathomless qualities when He stated, “whatever there is opulent, effulgent or even energetic, all that you should know as produced from a fragment of My splendour.” (10.41) God has to be what He is in order to maintain order in this world. As God owns everything, He doesn’t need anything from anyone. Is He not best placed to judge our actions? God even incarnates to re-establish dharma. (4.7) God is kind towards devotees because they are assets to the creation. The current model of creation works because God ensures it.

The last question has to be about ways to please God. Let us be guided by God Himself. Lord Krishna instructs, “You should always do your duty. Because action is superior to inaction. Maintenance of the body will not be possible through inaction.” (3.8) Would you believe that even a newly born has a duty? He must cry to attract attention if he is hungry, wet or unwell. Time, place, and circumstances determine duties for all of us without exception. The next important instruction is to take God’s shelter, because we are severely incomplete, even though we may lull ourselves to think that we are self-sufficient. This creation is entirely interdependent; we must serve others and they must do likewise. However, this serving mentality goes only this far when one goes beyond self-interest; one must go beyond and do public welfare. (6.40) For a higher quality of life, one must take shelter in God, because God alone has the power to grant peace, bliss and security. We do realise it at some point when we may be utterly helpless. Only very fortunate souls have this realisation in time and do something about it; otherwise, this precious life is wasted. Wise persons make every effort to please God. The way to do so is just as Arjuna understood: “I will do as you say.” (18.73)

(The author is a spiritual teacher)

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