And the award goes to… you

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And the award goes to… you

Wednesday, 05 April 2023 | Hingori

And the award goes to… you

Understanding consciousness is critical for a purposeful life, writes Hingori

Ihave recognised that living outside the concept of Maya daily is beyond general human endeavour. I wondered how we could achieve that. I received a response in the form of the following statement: ‘LIVE THE LIE, BUT BE AWARE OF THE TRUTH’.

Understanding consciousness is critical because it defines who we are and everything around us. Therefore, we need to explore consciousness deeply and try to shift our conscious awareness to other forms of life to see things from their perspective. In recognising that consciousness exists in every lifeform, one will slowly be able to accept the oneness in all living entities further realising that we are all one. It is the concept of the drop of water makes the ocean and the ocean is the drop of water. So making yourself aware of and empathetic to the perspective of all other living beings, not just other humans is the first step towards recognising the divinity in yourself. So, celebrate your growth and development, both in the physical world and your spiritual self. Go ahead and give yourself an award, because you deserve it! And who doesn't love a good awards show? Here are a few more to ponder over:

THE BEST EDITOR AWARD: This award goes to someone who can delete what is not of value, see the big picture, and make tough decisions. The best editor award recognises individuals who go above and beyond themselves. The editor is like the Marie Kondo of your life, helping you declutter and get rid of things that don't add value.

The concept of getting rid of attachments and desires that are not necessary can be found in the practice of detachment or vairagya. One must have the ability to let go of one’s ego and put the greater good of the cause first. One must possess the ability to detach from one’s emotions and circumvent negative self-opinion.

Limiting sensory pleasures is another concept that requires to be worked upon. The practice of Pratyahara involves withdrawing the senses from external stimuli. It helps cultivate inner peace and clarity of mind. One must be able to separate themselves from distractions and external stimuli to make objective decisions that serve their life story.

THE BEST MUSIC DIRECTOR AWARD: This award recognizes individuals who understand that the background music of one's life is one's destiny. It's like having your personal DJ or creating the perfect soundtrack for your life. Accepting life’s circumstances that do not align with one's expectations can only be possible with a clear understanding of destiny. So, turn up the volume and let your destiny jam out with you.

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad states, "You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny." This quote emphasizes the importance of understanding one's desires and will in shaping one's actions and ultimately, one's destiny.

THE BEST PRODUCER AWARD: This award goes to someone who acts as a mentor and helps their mentee climb the ladder of life, producing a more enlightened person. Guru Vasishta is a prime example of the best producer, having evolved Ram's consciousness to the extent that he became recognised as a God. (Paradoxically so, considering Ram knew that there is no God). To qualify for the best producer award, one must be able to unveil the limitations of ignorance.

Be persistent in training, testing, correcting and re-correcting. A mentor must have the patience and perseverance to help the mentee overcome limitations and achieve full potential. This involves providing constructive feedback, challenging their mentees to push themselves beyond their limits, and helping them develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success. One must have the ability to sacrifice and put others before oneself. You are like the Yoda of their life, guiding them towards the light side of the force. And who wouldn't want a Yoda in their life?

BEST SCREENPLAY AWARD: A good screenplay for the Best Screenplay Award should have the following elements: knowledge, shedding negative samskaras, and a scriptwriter who possesses an ethereal sense of humour and knows how to laugh at himself. It's like having your own personal JK Rowling, creating a magical world that educates and enlightens you. And finally, THE LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD — goes to the exemplary volunteer. This award honours individuals who have made a selfless commitment to serve their community to make a positive impact in the lives of others.


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