Rhythm of life

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Rhythm of life

Sunday, 09 January 2022 | Ajit Kumar Bishnoi

Rhythm of life

We must find a way to bring our needs, desires, and talent in harmony with each other, writes AJIT KUMAR BISHNOI

The word rhythm is mostly used in describing music and is defined as a recurring movement of sound. It is also used for describing speech. This word is also used to describe life. The rhythm of life is a way of life that brings our legitimate needs, our deepest desires, and our unique talents into harmony with each other. And it is different from routine, which is defined as strong, regular, repeated pastern by which people do live.

Let me start with needs. Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air and shelter to survive. However these must be according to our individual needs. (Bhagavad Gita 6.16-17) This is where most people go wrong. They eat the above and other foods like meats mainly for taste, without considering our individual needs of nutritious and wholesome foods.

The next need is also very important, i.e. to get properly educated and trained. This is where synchronisation is crucial between our basic needs deepest desires and unique talents. When we are born, we bring our desires and talents from our previous births. Our past ‘karmas’ determine what talents we will be blessed with, and everyone will have some inherent talent in the human birth. This has to be recognised. Slowly, talent/talents will become apparent to the near and dear ones, including the self. This is where desires come in. One has to choose which talent to purse and accordingly get further education and training.

This is all very nice in theory, but the providence has to be favourable, as was told by Lord Krishna in the verse # 18.14, “The place of action and the doer and many different kinds of instruments and many different efforts and the fifth in this connection is the providence only.” And the providence is specific, i.e. fruits according to ‘karmas’. The divine authorities administer the ‘karmaphala’ principle without any fear or favour. However, God is very merciful; He has kept the power to intervene in any matter He chooses. Therefore, we have to approach God if we really wish that everything falls in place in our lives, necessary for gaining rhythm in life.

Pleasing God is both easy and difficult at the same time. One can do so by praying to God for their needs, be it well-being of their parents or some material need. God welcomes such attempts; He calls such persons noble. (7.18) Why approaching or pleasing God is difficult? Because our ‘ahankar’ (ego) will not allow us to approach God; children have no such inhibitions. Those, who do manage to link with God, are certainly responded to by God in the manner and time chosen by Him. He may arrange help through some medium, maybe a relative. Or, God may create favourable circumstances. His grace is limitless.

How do all these affect our rhythm? With God in the picture, our needs will most certainly get regulated, i.e. we will seek what is really required. Our desires will begin to correlate to our talents and needs. Our thinking will begin to get somewhat controlled. There will be some direction, some goal of life. Ahankar will take a back seat. And gradually a mood of service will develop and life will gain a rhythm.

Bishnoi is a spiritual writer and can be reached at spiritual@ajitbishnoi.com

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