“I am happy to announce that the Make in Odisha (MIO) Conclave-2022 has generated investment intents of Rs 10.50 lakh crore with potential for 10.50 lakh direct and indirect employments. It’s heartening to see the huge response we have got especially in the post-Covid scenario.”
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik stated this at the concluding session of Make in Odisha Conclave at the Janata Maidan here on Saturday.
“Let us all work hard to implement these investments on the ground and take Odisha to a new era of growth. I would like to assure all our investors that we will walk the extra mile for them. We will walk the talk. It will be a win-win situation,” he said, adding, “Let the juggernaut move on.”
He gave “special thanks to our country partners Japan, Norway and Germany”.