The Delhi Police has busted an international cyber fraud gang running a fake call centre for duping unemployed youths on fake promise of providing them with work from home roles with an e-commerce company, officials said on Monday. Four accused — Amit Kedia (30), Sachin Gupta (36), Rohit Jain (36) and Pradeep Kumar (34) — were arrested, police said, adding that the kingpin of the gang, Gulati, operates from Dubai. The accused impersonating as officials of the e-commerce firm hadprocured details of job seekers from various online job providing portals such as Naukri.Com and Shine.Com, they said. The matter came to light after a complaint was received from a woman who alleged that she received a message from an unknown mobile number. The caller introduced himself as Nathalie from Amazon Company and subsequently, she was cheated of `3,15,745 on the pretext of work from home after she followed the link to a fake website that was shared by the accused in a WhatsApp message sent to her. During enquiry, it was found that the cheated money was transferred to various bank accounts via Paytm, police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Sagar Singh Kalsi said technical analysis of call details and money transaction revealed that the complainant received as WhatsApp message from a Philippines number and the cheated money was transferred to various bank accounts of different metropolitan cities of India.
When accused Pradeep Kumar was apprehended, he disclosed that he used to sell activated current bank accounts of his locality to his accomplices Amit Kedia and Sachin Gupta who were held and more bank accounts were recovered.