The BJP on Thursday released the manifesto for the forthcoming MCD polls in Delhi promising houses for slum dwellers, improving the civic amenities , strengthening the civic body, ensuring proper disposal of garbage among other things. The manifesto, called the ‘Vachan Patra’, ( pledge letter) was unveiled by BJP’s Delhi unit president Adesh Gupta along with party MP Manoj Tiwari and other leaders. Gupta, while releasing the manifesto said, “With a promise to allot houses to slum dwellers, we have come up with this Vachan Patra which has details of the allottees.”
The two-page ‘Vachan Patra’ which has the photos of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP national president J P Nadda and Delhi unit chief Adesh Gupta, said, “Jahan jhuggi wahan makan”. It also has a ‘Scheme Registration Form’ attached, asking for people’s details like their Aadhaar number, name, and father’s name among others.
The 'vachan Patra' has a form which they will fill and the BJP workers will submit them to the departments concerned and the slum dwellers will get houses, said North East Delhi MP Manoj Tiwari.
Tiwari said Delhi chief minister is going to announce the AAP's 10 promises to people before the MCD elections and questioned what happened to party's earlier poll promise "One of AAP's promise was to make Delhi garbage free but Kejriwal government did not provide funds to the municipal corporations and made it impossible for them to work," Tiwari claimed.
Delhi BJP is pledging to provide Pucca houses (flats) to people living in slums at same place, Sood said. "This is not just a guarantee or promise because it has been done by Prime Minister and 3024 flats are provided to slum dwellers.