Electronics major Samsung India on Sunday said it has sold over 12 lakh Galaxy smartphones worth more than Rs 1,000 crore on the first day of online festive sales at Amazon and Flipkart.
Samsung has slashed prices of Galaxy series smartphones in the range of 17 to 60 per cent for the festive season sales.
"On Day 1 of online festive sales, Samsung sold more than 1.2 million Galaxy devices, creating a new record in India. Samsung Galaxy smartphones were among the most sought-after devices, thanks to never-seen-before offers on Amazon and Flipkart. In value terms, Samsung sold Galaxy devices worth over Rs 1000 crore in 24 hours," Samsung said in a statement.
Samsung has slashed prices of smartphones like Galaxy S20 FE 5G, Galaxy S22 Ultra, Galaxy S22, Galaxy M53, Galaxy M33, M32 Prime Edition and Galaxy M13.
For the premium Galaxy S22 series, the company has announced discounts in the range of 17 to 38 per cent.
"On Day 1 of Amazon's Great Indian Festival, Samsung was the number 1 smartphone brand, with every third smartphone being a Galaxy. Galaxy M13 was the number 1 bestseller," Samsung said.
On Day 1 of Flipkart's 'Big Billion Days' sale, Samsung said it doubled its market share on the platform.