Actor-producer Ajay Devgn has announced his new production, a comic drama named Gobar along with Siddharth Roy Kapur. The film is to be directed by ad-filmmaker Sabal Shekhawat, who has also penned the script along with Sambhit Mishra. The film’s story is about a veterinary doctor who discovers a tangled web of corruption in his state hospital.
Ajay feels that people will love the story. “The story of Gobar is at once unique, relatable and incredibly funny as well as gripping and entertaining to the point that I’m confident it will compel people to go to the theatres,” he says.
“We are very clear about the impact we want to make. We want viewers to laugh, relax, perhaps think a little bit and be entertained. The standard that Siddharth observes in content creation and filmmaking makes this collaboration very exciting for us,” the actor-filmmaker adds.
Kapur says that the film centres around the journey of a common man and comes with a simple message. “Gobar is a story that chronicles the seemingly pointless but ultimately heroic journey of a simple citizen who deals with corruption in a way that will bring on many laughs, much adventure and ultimately a simple message about the power of the common man,” says Kapur.
He adds, “What makes the film entertaining and unique is that it is a situational comedy that sheds light on the inner workings of power. To be collaborating with Ajay, someone I have always respected for his creative choices, and his team at Ajay Devgn Ffilms on bringing this film to life is very exciting.”
Writer-director Shekhawat says that the film has been written keeping in mind true events.
“Gobar is a film that will take viewers back to the charming days of the nineties and the simple life of smalltown living. I wrote this story keeping in mind a few true events that unravelled a gamut of issues, the centre of which is a vet whose love for his cows and animals supersedes everything,” says Shekhawat.
“I’m grateful and happy that two esteemed producers like Ajay and Sid showed faith in my vision and offered a sizable canvas to the storyline. Quality cinema has come from both production houses, and I’m sure that the treatment of my directorial will be no different. As a filmmaker, I’m absolutely thrilled!” he says.
Produced under the banners Ajay Devgn Ffilms and Roy Kapur Films, the film will go on floors at the end of the year. The casting of the film is underway.