Haryana Deputy Chief Minister, Dushyant Chautala, inaugurated the newly constructed four Lane Flyover near village Bandwadi on the Gurugram-Faridabad road on Friday.
After the inauguration of the flyover, the deputy CM said, "This flyover will help to reduce traffic pressure and will improve better connectivity between the two major districts (Gurugram-Faridabad) of the Haryana State. Not only this it will also help to prevent accidents which was earlier occurred near Bandwadi village in the absence of the flyover. In future aspects this stretch will also play a major role to reach Jewar airport in a shot span of time."
The project plan was prepared by the Public Works Department (PWD). The estimated cost of the project is more than 11.50 crore. The Flyover length is 514 meters and width is 21 meters.
"The construction work of the Flyover was started in June 14, 2019 and was finished in a very short span in March 31, 2021. Despite the Covid-19 pendemic the PWD department tooks only 21 months for the complication of this project which is very appreciative," Chautala told the media.
The flyover starts after the 'Valley View' residential apartment located on the Gurugram-Faridabad road and finishes one and a half kilometres before the toll plaza. Service lanes is also built on either side. To go towards Bandwadi village, the commuters and villages can use the underpass.
According to the PWD officials, the project will provide great relief to the commuters of Delhi, Gurugam and Faridabad who was struggling through unending traffic jams on the stretch which traffic cops find difficult to manage.
A reason behind building a flyover a dangerous turning point on the stretch near Bandwadi village, several fatal accidents have occurred on the road. Also, the traffic slopes coming from Faridabad, it comes down from a much faster speed on the road and usually hits villagers and commuters who approach the road.
"The turning point near the Bandwadi village was one of the most dangerous spots on the Gurugram-Faridabad stretch. Due to the acute turn, here the graph of accidents was quite high. A flyover on the dangerous spot will surely help reductions in accidents on the corridor.,” PWD executive engineer Sandeep Singh said.