On the occasion of the 71st birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a blood donation camp was organized by Yogmani Institute and Punjabi Federation at Sankaracharya Chowk, Coordination Service Center.
In the presence of MP Shri Rakesh Singh, 71 youth donated blood with the efforts of Dr. Jitendra Jamdar of Yogmani Institute and President of Punjabi Federation, Indermohan Bhatia, which will be made available to needy patients.
In the program, MP Rakesh Singh said that it is a matter of happiness that on the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the BJP organization has started a campaign to do service work under the service and dedication campaign.
On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay, the founder member of Jana Sangh, the founder of Integral Humanism, BJP Jabalpur metropolis will garland his statue at Deendayal Chowk on September 25.
BJP city president GS Thakur informed that the birth anniversary of Pt Deendayal ji is celebrated by the party at the booth level, in the same manner, floral tributes will be offered in all 946 booths of the metropolis and speakers will give address on his personality and creativity.
Meanwhile under the service and dedication campaign being run by the organization on the occasion of 71st birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the health test of the persuaded prisoners was conducted by the BJP Jabalpur Metropolitan.
It is notable that by the Bharatiya Janata Party, various service and dedication campaigns are being done under the service and dedication campaign by September 17 to 7 October.