Uttar Pradesh's COVID-19 tally on Wednesday rose to 16,44,851 with 7,336 fresh cases, the lowest single-day rise since April 30, while 282 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 18,354, an official said.
At present, there are 1,23,579 active cases in the state and 15,02,918 people have recovered from COVID-19, Additional Chief Secretary, Health, Amit Mohan Prasad told reporters.
He said the recovery rate of the state is now at 91.4 per cent and active cases have come down by over 1.87 lakh in the past 19 days.
On April 30, there were 3,10,783 active cases which have now come down to 1,23,579, he said.
"The teams of the department have inspected over 89,000 villages so far and the infection has been detected in 28,000 villages only," Prasad claimed.
The official said adequate measures are being taken to check the spread of the virus in rural areas with 'gram nigrani samitis' actively working in this direction.
With 282 new deaths in the past 24 hours, the fatality count in UP rose to 18,354 on Wednesday from 18,072 on Tuesday.
A record 2.99 lakh COVID tests were conducted in the state on Tuesday, Prasad said, adding that UP has become the first state to conduct over 4.55 crore tests.
He said anti-coronavirus vaccination drive is going on in the state and so far, over 1.54 crore doses have been administered to people.
More than 1.21 crore people have got the first dose and over 32 lakh got the second dose, he added.